My personal mission is to bring sacred bodywork to more people, to make bodywork accessible to more people. I would love to see more people getting bodywork and sharing bodywork with others. I see a massage based culture in which everyone takes care of one another. In Thailand, it is a normal thing for grandmothers to massage their children and teach them. In Thailand it is a normal thing to get regular bodywork sessions as a preventative health, not a luxury thing like it is in the US.
I teach Thai Bodywork so people can share with loved ones to help them feel better and to help heal them, or come into greater balance. You do not have to be a massage therapist to share this. My training is Traditional Thai Bodywork that has been handed down as a healing modality through Buddhist culture. It is more an energy work but also acupressure, so you feel it on your muscles.
Opening up the energy lines so more prana moves through the body, it also is deeply relaxing on muscles. It is customized to the individual and their needs.Those who are athletes can enjoy deep pressure that helps release tightness. Yogis are taken to even greater flexibility, as it is called lazy man's yoga, and offers stretches that are done for your body. Some people require a light touch with the acupressure. Your Ayurvedic body type calls for different kind of pressure and touch, whether you are predominantly a Pitta, Vata, or Kapha (Fire, Air, or Earth/Water) Constitution. Of course, your personal preference is always honored!
Thai Bodywork can be something that is shared in families, and with friends. My mission is a more touch based society in which we can give and receive touch, in a safe and sacred way, with one another often and easily. I offer Thai Bodywork sessions for bringing one into a state of alignment, emotionally and physically. Thai can address issues and it can create overall circulation of energy through unblocking it.The energy lines or meridians are opened up which moves energy. The special points of the body, marma points or reflexology points, are vortexes of energy that can be pressed to further unblock energy and allow the body to function better. Our bodies are like rivers of energy and the energy has to flow for us to feel healthy. Reflexology and Thai Bodywork can address problems through moving energy in one place which effects other places in the body. Our bodies are fractals and multidimensional. Points correlated to other points in the body. Did you know that the ear has points the echo correspondence to the whole body as the feet and hands do? Finding points that are sore and working on them allows healing.
That is a little on what Thai Bodywork does, my mission of sharing it. Thank you for reading. Shivrael
I teach Thai Bodywork so people can share with loved ones to help them feel better and to help heal them, or come into greater balance. You do not have to be a massage therapist to share this. My training is Traditional Thai Bodywork that has been handed down as a healing modality through Buddhist culture. It is more an energy work but also acupressure, so you feel it on your muscles.
Opening up the energy lines so more prana moves through the body, it also is deeply relaxing on muscles. It is customized to the individual and their needs.Those who are athletes can enjoy deep pressure that helps release tightness. Yogis are taken to even greater flexibility, as it is called lazy man's yoga, and offers stretches that are done for your body. Some people require a light touch with the acupressure. Your Ayurvedic body type calls for different kind of pressure and touch, whether you are predominantly a Pitta, Vata, or Kapha (Fire, Air, or Earth/Water) Constitution. Of course, your personal preference is always honored!
Thai Bodywork can be something that is shared in families, and with friends. My mission is a more touch based society in which we can give and receive touch, in a safe and sacred way, with one another often and easily. I offer Thai Bodywork sessions for bringing one into a state of alignment, emotionally and physically. Thai can address issues and it can create overall circulation of energy through unblocking it.The energy lines or meridians are opened up which moves energy. The special points of the body, marma points or reflexology points, are vortexes of energy that can be pressed to further unblock energy and allow the body to function better. Our bodies are like rivers of energy and the energy has to flow for us to feel healthy. Reflexology and Thai Bodywork can address problems through moving energy in one place which effects other places in the body. Our bodies are fractals and multidimensional. Points correlated to other points in the body. Did you know that the ear has points the echo correspondence to the whole body as the feet and hands do? Finding points that are sore and working on them allows healing.
That is a little on what Thai Bodywork does, my mission of sharing it. Thank you for reading. Shivrael