Thai Massage comes Buddhist lineage, passed down in India and Thailand through monasteries as a modality of healing. How does Thai Massage work? It effects on the physical and energetic layers of the body bringing a person into greater well-being on all levels. Speaking of the energetic layers, they are called the koshas in Thai Massage which are sheaths that lie beyond the physical body yet include the physical body as one of the koshas.
Through touch, with a variety of pressures from deep to gentle, the energetic knots and stuckness is released. Each of the energetic bodies are cleared through the bodywork. These koshas are like layers of the onion of your physical body, or like Russian dolls that are nested within each other. Your physical body is called the Annamya Kosha. Practitioners of Thai Massage work on the physical body which allows for a release of a person's pain while it conveys more flexibility in a direct manner of acupressure and other moves. Thai Massage, like yoga practice, works on the subtle bodies (koshas) around the physical body. The energy body, the Pranamaya Kosha is the next layer beyond the physical. Your body is filled with invisible channels of energy, and this is the layer of the 72,000 channels of energy or Nadis. This is where the stuckness can be worked out and released within you. When this layer comes into balance, it improves the energy flow and increases your life force energy so that our health improves. We feel more alive and invigorated after a massage, specifically Thai Massage.
The next Kosha, Layer 3 is the Manomaya kosha, or the mental body. The effect of Thai Massage on this layer is about mental clarity and a feeling of emotional well-being. This is the part of us that allows us to take care of our needs and also helps us take care of others too. For those of us that are mind oriented, we may have mental chatter and also anxiety when this layer is out of balance. Thai Bodywork helps us take the anxiety down a notch or two, the level of anxiety that we carry, so that we feel better and more relaxed and capable of managing our lives, plus we are pervaded with a feeling of inner peace.
Vijnanamaya kosha is the next layer, called the Wisdom Body. It allows us higher knowledge and feeling of oneness. It helps heal the separation that makes us feel separate melt away because we feel our connection with source and the universe We feel a sense of oneness
and the support from everything. The other 3 bodies mentioned before come into balance and then this body comes into balance. We can move from a feeling of struggle for survival to a feeling of thriving in which we feel greater compassion, love and joy. The Wisdom Body helps us feel fulfillment and joy in our lives and relationships with others.
Next, the final outer layer subtle body is the Anandamaya kosha is the Bliss Body. This takes us to a feeling of all pervasive oneness. This is the highest level in which we recognize our oneness with all that is fully.
Work with The Energetic Bodies
Working with the energetic bodies is to release residue of imprints of what holds us back that we may carry. Acupressure in Thai Bodywork, the stretches, the work on Marma points (special acupressure points that are Nadis, or swirling energy vortexes) and the customized sequence for the person receiving clears out the layers so energy moves freely. This process of working with the bodily layers through yoga and also Thai Bodywork may stir up the old memories, both positive and negative, as they come to the surface for release. You could say Thai Bodywork is a spiritual catalyst. It could be experienced as an energetic cleansing on levels of emotional, mental and physical. Old energy forms are released so these energetic bodies, sheaths, or koshas come into balance. Each level creates more freedom for the person receiving through their own work in releasing. It happens in a way may bring up emotions temporarily but feels good to experience and leaves one in a peaceful, integrated state of well-being.
I wanted to share how Thai Bodywork is not just a physical massage that is anatomically based. It is beyond that,yet includes the "feel good" and the pain relief of traditional massage. Or you might say that Thai Massage is the traditional massage as it has been around for a couple thousand years. The pure potential of Thai Massage is healing andalso spiritual transformation through clearing and balancing channels and the subtle and physical energy bodies. Let this be an invitation to check it out for yourself!
~ Shivrael, Certified Thai Bodyworker, Mt.Shasta, CA
Through touch, with a variety of pressures from deep to gentle, the energetic knots and stuckness is released. Each of the energetic bodies are cleared through the bodywork. These koshas are like layers of the onion of your physical body, or like Russian dolls that are nested within each other. Your physical body is called the Annamya Kosha. Practitioners of Thai Massage work on the physical body which allows for a release of a person's pain while it conveys more flexibility in a direct manner of acupressure and other moves. Thai Massage, like yoga practice, works on the subtle bodies (koshas) around the physical body. The energy body, the Pranamaya Kosha is the next layer beyond the physical. Your body is filled with invisible channels of energy, and this is the layer of the 72,000 channels of energy or Nadis. This is where the stuckness can be worked out and released within you. When this layer comes into balance, it improves the energy flow and increases your life force energy so that our health improves. We feel more alive and invigorated after a massage, specifically Thai Massage.
The next Kosha, Layer 3 is the Manomaya kosha, or the mental body. The effect of Thai Massage on this layer is about mental clarity and a feeling of emotional well-being. This is the part of us that allows us to take care of our needs and also helps us take care of others too. For those of us that are mind oriented, we may have mental chatter and also anxiety when this layer is out of balance. Thai Bodywork helps us take the anxiety down a notch or two, the level of anxiety that we carry, so that we feel better and more relaxed and capable of managing our lives, plus we are pervaded with a feeling of inner peace.
Vijnanamaya kosha is the next layer, called the Wisdom Body. It allows us higher knowledge and feeling of oneness. It helps heal the separation that makes us feel separate melt away because we feel our connection with source and the universe We feel a sense of oneness
and the support from everything. The other 3 bodies mentioned before come into balance and then this body comes into balance. We can move from a feeling of struggle for survival to a feeling of thriving in which we feel greater compassion, love and joy. The Wisdom Body helps us feel fulfillment and joy in our lives and relationships with others.
Next, the final outer layer subtle body is the Anandamaya kosha is the Bliss Body. This takes us to a feeling of all pervasive oneness. This is the highest level in which we recognize our oneness with all that is fully.
Work with The Energetic Bodies
Working with the energetic bodies is to release residue of imprints of what holds us back that we may carry. Acupressure in Thai Bodywork, the stretches, the work on Marma points (special acupressure points that are Nadis, or swirling energy vortexes) and the customized sequence for the person receiving clears out the layers so energy moves freely. This process of working with the bodily layers through yoga and also Thai Bodywork may stir up the old memories, both positive and negative, as they come to the surface for release. You could say Thai Bodywork is a spiritual catalyst. It could be experienced as an energetic cleansing on levels of emotional, mental and physical. Old energy forms are released so these energetic bodies, sheaths, or koshas come into balance. Each level creates more freedom for the person receiving through their own work in releasing. It happens in a way may bring up emotions temporarily but feels good to experience and leaves one in a peaceful, integrated state of well-being.
I wanted to share how Thai Bodywork is not just a physical massage that is anatomically based. It is beyond that,yet includes the "feel good" and the pain relief of traditional massage. Or you might say that Thai Massage is the traditional massage as it has been around for a couple thousand years. The pure potential of Thai Massage is healing andalso spiritual transformation through clearing and balancing channels and the subtle and physical energy bodies. Let this be an invitation to check it out for yourself!
~ Shivrael, Certified Thai Bodyworker, Mt.Shasta, CA